Safety and Security Window Film in Perth is designed to keep broken glasses together, providing enhanced protection from intruders and breaking and also bad circumstances like car accidents, serious weather and bomb blasts.
Don’t allow time for crime
Our safety and security window film is specially designed to dissuade crime. By holding a broken glass in position, these window films combat the fast access that criminals require to enter your business and abscond with the valuables of your company. Criminals will require almost twice the time to break a window covered with a safety film, even if they are armed with a firearm or a blunt weapon. Therefore, they might decide that the burglary is not worth their time and decide to look for any other easy target.
Keeping Glass in position to avoid injury
Crime and hooliganism are not the only reasons that cause shattered windows. Serious weather and accidents can also the reason behind a room full of broken glass. Safety and security films work to hold the broken glass in
position in case it breaks, keeping everyone safe from the shattered glass. And it is all achieved with a system almost invisible to the naked eye, much more visually enticing than grates or bars!
What makes the safety films we carry so dependable? The film that we install is verified by the independent laboratories and meets the criteria set.
Frame Attachments
Designed to lessen the hazard imposed by broken windows, frame attachments are steadily growing in popularity as a simple way to enhance security. We provide a frame attachment system with sophisticated structural silicone adhesive that is applied over the film and frame to create a strong bind between them. This attachment system bonds glass and film to the window frame, keeping fragments to a minimum and making clean-up substantially simpler.
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